* Prepare a saucepan full of water, and bring it to a simmer for eventual use during the preparation.
* In a stockpot, put 7 cups (1600 cc) water, salt, olive oil, and turn heat to medium.
* Just before the water starts boiling, add the corn flour a little at a time, stirring continuously with a whisk, to prevent the polenta from clotting.
* Continue to stir with a wooden spoon, and boil the polenta for about 45 minutes. The absorption of water depends on the quality of the flour. If the polenta becomes too hard, add some warm water to adjust the consistency, until it is like a dense paste.
* While the polenta is still hot, pour it onto a wooden board or transfer it to serving dishes.
* 7 cups (1600 cc) water
* 2 teaspoons salt
* 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
* 17 oz (500 gr) corn flour